As Mental Health Awareness Month comes to a close, we reflect on the importance of mental well-being in our professional lives. At MSCI, we believe that a healthy mind is the foundation for professional success and personal growth, and we encourage our employees to take the time to assess their mental health.

MSCI employees have access to a wide range of resources, ensuring that they have access to high-quality care when they need it most.

  • Our Here For You employee assistance program provides employees and their families confidential emotional support, resources and information for personal and work-life issues. This service is available 24/7, and helps resolve issues related to one’s professional life (such as burnout or anxiety), as well as to their personal life (like family or relationship problems or grief).
  • Employees also have access to myStrength Digital Tools to help them tackle common mental, emotional and health issues, including stress and burnout.
  • Our interactive Mental Health Awareness Toolkit helps in identifying potential shares various resources to help maintain and improve mental health of our colleagues, even in stressful times.

Alongside these already accessible resources, this month we ran internal campaigns to raise awareness of these toolkits for our employees. We also organized a series of webinars, focusing on preventing burnout, highlighting the connection between physical and mental health and sharing ways to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness.

Together, we can fight stigma, provide support and be advocates for change.